Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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As a couple of good soldiers were walking one day, Said one to the other: "Let 's kneel down and pray! I'll pray for the war, and good of all men: And whatever I pray for, do you say 'Amen!'"
"We'll pray for the generals and all of their crew, Likewise for the captains and lieutenants too; May good luck and good fortune them always attend ! And return safely home;" said the soldier, '•'Amen!"
" We'll pray for the privates, the noblest of all ;
They do all the work and get no glory at all;
May good luck and good fortune them always attend,
And return crowned with laurels!" said the soldier, " Amen !"
" We'll pray for the pretty boys who want themselves wives, And have not the courage to strike for themselves; May bad luck and bad fortune them always attend ! And go down to Old Harry !" said the soldier, "Amen!"
" We'll pray for the pretty girls, who make us good Wives, And always look at a soldier with tears in their eyes ; May good luck and good fortune them always attend ! And brave gallants for sweethearts!" said the soldier, "Amen!"